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  • classicBMX
Aug 26 2024


gamanomi, GAMA,  cattail ears. ◼️走ってたら道端にガマの穂を見つけた。いちど通り過ぎたのだが「おもえば最近見ないよなー」「ガマってそういえばわざわざ耕作されているよな」なんて思って引き返して眺めてみた。これって爆発するんだよね。知ってる? 爆発して綿状になったものをたくさん集めて布袋に詰め秘密基地に持ち込んだり。焚き火の火口にしたり。あるいはビニール袋につめてふわふわの感触を楽しんだり。まあ、爆発させること自体がいちばん面白かったのだけれど。なんていうことを思いだした。遠い昔の秋の思い出。「わざわざ耕作」というところが気になって、戻ってガマについて調べてみたら、これって本当に布団の中綿の原料として使われたりするんだね。さらには茎も根も穂先も食用らしい。んー、知らなかった。そして幼い頃の自分はもしかして収穫の邪魔をしていたのか? なんていうことを思った。さっき、爆発させて遊ばなくてよかったなー。そんな きょうの眺め .

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◾️While I was riding my bike, I found cattails on the side of the road. I passed by once, but I thought, “I haven’t seen them recently,” and “Come to think of it, cattails are cultivated on purpose,” so I went back and looked at them.
Cattails explode, you know? Did you know that? I used to collect a bunch of them that exploded and turned into cotton, and put them in a cloth bag to take to my secret hideout. Or I’d use them as fire starters for a bonfire. Or I’d stuff them in a plastic bag and enjoy the fluffy feeling. Well, making them explode was the most fun thing, though. That’s what I remembered. It’s a memory from an autumn long ago. I was curious about the part about “cultivating them on purpose,” so I went back and looked up cattails, and I found out that they are really used as a material for filling futons. What’s more, the stems, roots, and tips are also edible. Hmm, I didn’t know that. And I wondered if I was getting in the way of the harvest when I was a child…………… Such is my view today



























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