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Oct 05 2024


 で、久方ぶりの甘食。隣のコンビニエンス・ストアで見つけて、思わず3パックも買ってしまったのだ。味の方は……クリーミーでまろやかでしっとりしていて……昔の甘食とは全然別物なのだなあ。昔のただ甘くて、かぶりつくと口内の至る所にへばりついてパサパサしていた。あの甘食とはかなり違う。というか別物なのでありました。でもそうだよね。昔の甘食のチープさを再現したら今の世では敬遠されてしまいそうな気がする。ともあれ、雰囲気だけでも懐かしの甘食。なにかとっても嬉しい瞬間なのでありました。記憶に残る懐かしの味。まだまだ他にもたくさんあるよねー。これを見ているみんなの懐かしい味ってなんだろう? それを考えるとちょっとワクワクします。そんな懐かしの味を探しての自転車旅ってのもいいかもしれない。 そんなことを思う きょうの眺め .

Please send an email inquiry to bmx@bonz-bros.com.

◾️This is a amashoku. When I was a child, it was sold as a set of two cones joined at the bottom, and as far back as I can remember, it cost 20 yen. It was a very cheap treat. I sometimes remember it and want to eat it, but the last time I had it was in 2014 at a bakery in Fukuoka city. So this is my first amashoku in 10 years. By the way, when I was a child, Yamazaki Bread, Daiichi Bread, and Fuji Bread were not individually wrapped like they are now, but were sold naked on aluminum trays in a glass case in the bakery, and when you ordered, they would hand it to you in a thin paper bag. A little back to the point.

So, it’s been a long time since I’ve had a sweet treat. I found it at the convenience store next door and couldn’t help but buy three packs. As for the taste… it was creamy, mellow, and moist… it’s completely different from the amashoku of the past. The old ones were just sweet, and when you bit into them, they stuck to every part of your mouth and were dry. It’s quite different from those amashoku. Or rather, they are completely different. But it’s true. I feel like if we were to recreate the cheapness of amashoku from the past, people in today’s world would shy away from them. Anyway, just the atmosphere of this sweet treat brings back memories. It was a very happy moment. A memorable nostalgic taste. There are so many more out there, aren’t there? What is your favorite taste? Thinking about it makes me feel a little happy. It might be nice to go on a bicycle trip in search of those nostalgic flavors. Thinking about that,…………….. Such is my view today



























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